Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Tunmise Akinsete is my great friend and a person that i respect greatly, because am doing a series on Relationship i would love to share her view on relationship and marriage. Please do well to leave a comment after reading this post, your opinion counts. Below is her opinion about marriage and relationship.

Marriage was instituted by God in the days of Adam and Eve, before the law, and before the redemption. It wasn’t instituted for Christians; it was instituted for the world. In Ecclesiastes 9:9, Solomon makes it clear that in the days of vanity -a life apart from God-it is possible to enjoy marriage. That is, unbelievers can enjoy marriage too.

Furthermore, the books of Songs of Solomon and Revelations relate marriage to Jesus Christ and the church. What happens after the marriage of Jesus to the church?-Bliss. All pain is gone, all tears wiped away, all sickness healed. This is the exact life that God purposed for the world at large when He instituted marriage. After labor and toil and pain, a man and his wife come home to bliss. Whether Christian or not, God has given them the privilege to happiness.

Most importantly, if marriage can be enjoyed by both believers and unbelievers alike, is there really only one man in the world that a woman can be happy with? There is nowhere that this is explicitly stated in the Bible. Why then do Christians refuse to launch out into any relationship at all based on the idea that it might not be the right one? If indeed, no marriage is perfect, why can’t Christians trust that they can learn to have a happy marriage with whoever they choose to live with? Why do some die waiting for the Lord’s will? Why do some make up dreams that they never had to cajole a sister into marriage instead of just stating that they like her? Why can’t we just take the leap of faith and trust that the anointing in us will teach us all things according to James 2:20?

In conclusion, the only right one is the one we choose and who chooses us too. Jesus has chosen us, but the only people that will be present in the marriage of the Lamb are those who choose Him back. So, stop blaming your excuses of failed relationships on “he/she’s not the right one,” and open your heart with the wisdom of God to love someone.

I believe that you learnt a great deal from this post,  kindly leave a comment and share your opinion with other people.

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