Tuesday, June 5, 2012


I got this from a contact and I believe it is worth sharing. “On hearing about the plane crash, I decided to board a cross country bus back to Lagos, after all passengers were boarded, a customer asked the driver to put on the ac, the drivers’ response was “it’s not working”, everyone on board took it as fate including I, saying to myself “ just get me to Lagos ac or not” but the disappointed customer did not however stop, he called the customer care number on his ticket, & insisted that the reason he travels cross country is because of their services, and asked why this was changing, to my greatest surprise, the bus was changed and an air conditioned bus was provided, that’s when it struck me. Shame on the person that sent a broadcast saying he had flown in the said aircraft before, and witnessed the problems, why did he not send out a broadcast then and perhaps his complains might have reached the aviation minister, shame on the engineers that are just telling us now that the plane was 22 years old and should have never hit airspace, shame on everyone sending silly broadcast messages saying your picture  or mine would never be used as a DP with RIP next to it, because that’s all we are content with, once we, our family and our friends are safe we keep on striving powerlessly in this country that have shattered our dreams and hopes, I don’t plan to live forever and I consider it a privilege to be on a lot of peoples DP when my time comes, it would simply mean I stood for something. Worse of all shame on all those who signed a condolence broadcast just to be associated with the stars who signed before them, I really don’t understand how that would change anything, its not the country or the leaders that is the problem, it is us, we are killing ourselves, if we do not reject this our submissive way of living we would continue to die in our thousands, as I am not pointing fingers at anyone, we are all guilty, I am just saying it is time we stand up and make a change or we will keep dying.
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